모든 코루틴은 이로부터 접근을 해서 호출한다. 예)
EditorCoroutines.EditorCoroutines.StartCoroutine(코루틴 명칭, this);
EditorCoroutines.EditorCoroutines.StopCoroutine(코루틴 명칭, this);
using EditorCoroutine = EditorCoroutines.EditorCoroutines; 맨 위에 추가시 아래와 같이 생략 가능
EditorCoroutine.StartCoroutine(코루틴 명칭, this);
EditorCoroutine.StopCoroutine(코루틴 명칭, this);
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
using System.Reflection;
namespace EditorCoroutines
public class EditorCoroutines
public class EditorCoroutine
public ICoroutineYield currentYield = new YieldDefault();
public IEnumerator routine;
public string routineUniqueHash;
public string ownerUniqueHash;
public string MethodName = "";
public int ownerHash;
public string ownerType;
public bool finished = false;
public EditorCoroutine(IEnumerator routine, int ownerHash, string ownerType)
this.routine = routine;
this.ownerHash = ownerHash;
this.ownerType = ownerType;
ownerUniqueHash = ownerHash + "_" + ownerType;
if (routine != null)
string[] split = routine.ToString().Split('<', '>');
if (split.Length == 3)
this.MethodName = split[1];
routineUniqueHash = ownerHash + "_" + ownerType + "_" + MethodName;
public EditorCoroutine(string methodName, int ownerHash, string ownerType)
MethodName = methodName;
this.ownerHash = ownerHash;
this.ownerType = ownerType;
ownerUniqueHash = ownerHash + "_" + ownerType;
routineUniqueHash = ownerHash + "_" + ownerType + "_" + MethodName;
public interface ICoroutineYield
bool IsDone(float deltaTime);
struct YieldDefault : ICoroutineYield
public bool IsDone(float deltaTime)
return true;
struct YieldWaitForSeconds : ICoroutineYield
public float timeLeft;
public bool IsDone(float deltaTime)
timeLeft -= deltaTime;
return timeLeft < 0;
struct YieldWWW : ICoroutineYield
public WWW Www;
public bool IsDone(float deltaTime)
return Www.isDone;
struct YieldAsync : ICoroutineYield
public AsyncOperation asyncOperation;
public bool IsDone(float deltaTime)
return asyncOperation.isDone;
struct YieldNestedCoroutine : ICoroutineYield
public EditorCoroutine coroutine;
public bool IsDone(float deltaTime)
return coroutine.finished;
static EditorCoroutines instance = null;
Dictionary<string, List<EditorCoroutine>> coroutineDict = new Dictionary<string, List<EditorCoroutine>>();
List<List<EditorCoroutine>> tempCoroutineList = new List<List<EditorCoroutine>>();
Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, EditorCoroutine>> coroutineOwnerDict =
new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, EditorCoroutine>>();
DateTime previousTimeSinceStartup;
/// <summary>Starts a coroutine.</summary>
/// <param name="routine">The coroutine to start.</param>
/// <param name="thisReference">Reference to the instance of the class containing the method.</param>
public static EditorCoroutine StartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine, object thisReference)
return instance.GoStartCoroutine(routine, thisReference);
/// <summary>Starts a coroutine.</summary>
/// <param name="methodName">The name of the coroutine method to start.</param>
/// <param name="thisReference">Reference to the instance of the class containing the method.</param>
public static EditorCoroutine StartCoroutine(string methodName, object thisReference)
return StartCoroutine(methodName, null, thisReference);
/// <summary>Starts a coroutine.</summary>
/// <param name="methodName">The name of the coroutine method to start.</param>
/// <param name="value">The parameter to pass to the coroutine.</param>
/// <param name="thisReference">Reference to the instance of the class containing the method.</param>
public static EditorCoroutine StartCoroutine(string methodName, object value, object thisReference)
MethodInfo methodInfo = thisReference.GetType()
.GetMethod(methodName, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
if (methodInfo == null)
Debug.LogError("Coroutine '" + methodName + "' couldn't be started, the method doesn't exist!");
object returnValue;
if (value == null)
returnValue = methodInfo.Invoke(thisReference, null);
returnValue = methodInfo.Invoke(thisReference, new object[] {value});
if (returnValue is IEnumerator)
return instance.GoStartCoroutine((IEnumerator) returnValue, thisReference);
Debug.LogError("Coroutine '" + methodName + "' couldn't be started, the method doesn't return an IEnumerator!");
return null;
/// <summary>Stops all coroutines being the routine running on the passed instance.</summary>
/// <param name="routine"> The coroutine to stop.</param>
/// <param name="thisReference">Reference to the instance of the class containing the method.</param>
public static void StopCoroutine(IEnumerator routine, object thisReference)
instance.GoStopCoroutine(routine, thisReference);
/// <summary>
/// Stops all coroutines named methodName running on the passed instance.</summary>
/// <param name="methodName"> The name of the coroutine method to stop.</param>
/// <param name="thisReference">Reference to the instance of the class containing the method.</param>
public static void StopCoroutine(string methodName, object thisReference)
instance.GoStopCoroutine(methodName, thisReference);
/// <summary>
/// Stops all coroutines running on the passed instance.</summary>
/// <param name="thisReference">Reference to the instance of the class containing the method.</param>
public static void StopAllCoroutines(object thisReference)
static void CreateInstanceIfNeeded()
if (instance == null)
instance = new EditorCoroutines();
void Initialize()
previousTimeSinceStartup = DateTime.Now;
EditorApplication.update += OnUpdate;
void GoStopCoroutine(IEnumerator routine, object thisReference)
GoStopActualRoutine(CreateCoroutine(routine, thisReference));
void GoStopCoroutine(string methodName, object thisReference)
GoStopActualRoutine(CreateCoroutineFromString(methodName, thisReference));
void GoStopActualRoutine(EditorCoroutine routine)
if (coroutineDict.ContainsKey(routine.routineUniqueHash))
void GoStopAllCoroutines(object thisReference)
EditorCoroutine coroutine = CreateCoroutine(null, thisReference);
if (coroutineOwnerDict.ContainsKey(coroutine.ownerUniqueHash))
foreach (var couple in coroutineOwnerDict[coroutine.ownerUniqueHash])
EditorCoroutine GoStartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine, object thisReference)
if (routine == null)
Debug.LogException(new Exception("IEnumerator is null!"), null);
EditorCoroutine coroutine = CreateCoroutine(routine, thisReference);
return coroutine;
void GoStartCoroutine(EditorCoroutine coroutine)
if (!coroutineDict.ContainsKey(coroutine.routineUniqueHash))
List<EditorCoroutine> newCoroutineList = new List<EditorCoroutine>();
coroutineDict.Add(coroutine.routineUniqueHash, newCoroutineList);
if (!coroutineOwnerDict.ContainsKey(coroutine.ownerUniqueHash))
Dictionary<string, EditorCoroutine> newCoroutineDict = new Dictionary<string, EditorCoroutine>();
coroutineOwnerDict.Add(coroutine.ownerUniqueHash, newCoroutineDict);
// If the method from the same owner has been stored before, it doesn't have to be stored anymore,
// One reference is enough in order for "StopAllCoroutines" to work
if (!coroutineOwnerDict[coroutine.ownerUniqueHash].ContainsKey(coroutine.routineUniqueHash))
coroutineOwnerDict[coroutine.ownerUniqueHash].Add(coroutine.routineUniqueHash, coroutine);
EditorCoroutine CreateCoroutine(IEnumerator routine, object thisReference)
return new EditorCoroutine(routine, thisReference.GetHashCode(), thisReference.GetType().ToString());
EditorCoroutine CreateCoroutineFromString(string methodName, object thisReference)
return new EditorCoroutine(methodName, thisReference.GetHashCode(), thisReference.GetType().ToString());
void OnUpdate()
float deltaTime = (float) (DateTime.Now.Subtract(previousTimeSinceStartup).TotalMilliseconds / 1000.0f);
previousTimeSinceStartup = DateTime.Now;
if (coroutineDict.Count == 0)
foreach (var pair in coroutineDict)
for (var i = tempCoroutineList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
List<EditorCoroutine> coroutines = tempCoroutineList[i];
for (int j = coroutines.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
EditorCoroutine coroutine = coroutines[j];
if (!coroutine.currentYield.IsDone(deltaTime))
if (!MoveNext(coroutine))
coroutine.currentYield = null;
coroutine.finished = true;
if (coroutines.Count == 0)
static bool MoveNext(EditorCoroutine coroutine)
if (coroutine.routine.MoveNext())
return Process(coroutine);
return false;
// returns false if no next, returns true if OK
static bool Process(EditorCoroutine coroutine)
object current = coroutine.routine.Current;
if (current == null)
return false;
else if (current is WaitForSeconds)
float seconds = float.Parse(GetInstanceField(typeof(WaitForSeconds), current, "m_Seconds").ToString());
coroutine.currentYield = new YieldWaitForSeconds() {timeLeft = (float) seconds};
else if (current is WWW)
coroutine.currentYield = new YieldWWW {Www = (WWW) current};
else if (current is WaitForFixedUpdate)
coroutine.currentYield = new YieldDefault();
else if (current is AsyncOperation)
coroutine.currentYield = new YieldAsync {asyncOperation = (AsyncOperation) current};
else if (current is EditorCoroutine)
coroutine.currentYield = new YieldNestedCoroutine { coroutine= (EditorCoroutine) current};
new Exception("<" + coroutine.MethodName + "> yielded an unknown or unsupported type! (" + current.GetType() + ")"),
coroutine.currentYield = new YieldDefault();
return true;
static object GetInstanceField(Type type, object instance, string fieldName)
BindingFlags bindFlags = BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static;
FieldInfo field = type.GetField(fieldName, bindFlags);
return field.GetValue(instance);
추가 확장 (에디터 탭에서 따로 가능하게끔 설정)
using System.Collections;
using UnityEditor;
namespace EditorCoroutines
public static class EditorCoroutineExtensions
public static EditorCoroutines.EditorCoroutine StartCoroutine(this EditorWindow thisRef, IEnumerator coroutine)
return EditorCoroutines.StartCoroutine(coroutine, thisRef);
public static EditorCoroutines.EditorCoroutine StartCoroutine(this EditorWindow thisRef, string methodName)
return EditorCoroutines.StartCoroutine(methodName, thisRef);
public static EditorCoroutines.EditorCoroutine StartCoroutine(this EditorWindow thisRef, string methodName, object value)
return EditorCoroutines.StartCoroutine(methodName, value, thisRef);
public static void StopCoroutine(this EditorWindow thisRef, IEnumerator coroutine)
EditorCoroutines.StopCoroutine(coroutine, thisRef);
public static void StopCoroutine(this EditorWindow thisRef, string methodName)
EditorCoroutines.StopCoroutine(methodName, thisRef);
public static void StopAllCoroutines(this EditorWindow thisRef)
코루틴 사용 예시
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEditor;
namespace EditorCoroutines
public class CoroutineWindowExample : EditorWindow
[MenuItem("Window/Coroutine Example")]
public static void ShowWindow()
void OnGUI()
if (GUILayout.Button("Start"))
if (GUILayout.Button("Start WWW"))
if (GUILayout.Button("Start Nested"))
if (GUILayout.Button("Stop"))
if (GUILayout.Button("Stop all"))
if (GUILayout.Button("Also"))
IEnumerator Example()
while (true)
Debug.Log("Hello EditorCoroutine!");
yield return new WaitForSeconds(2f);
IEnumerator ExampleWWW()
while (true)
var www = new WWW("https://unity3d.com/");
yield return www;
Debug.Log("Hello EditorCoroutine!" + www.text);
yield return new WaitForSeconds(2f);
IEnumerator ExampleNested()
while (true)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(2f);
Debug.Log("I'm not nested");
yield return this.StartCoroutine(ExampleNestedOneLayer());
IEnumerator ExampleNestedOneLayer()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(2f);
Debug.Log("I'm one layer nested");
yield return this.StartCoroutine(ExampleNestedTwoLayers());
IEnumerator ExampleNestedTwoLayers()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(2f);
Debug.Log("I'm two layers nested");
class NonEditorClass
public void DoSomething(bool start, bool stop, bool stopAll)
if (start)
EditorCoroutines.StartCoroutine(Example(), this);
if (stop)
EditorCoroutines.StopCoroutine("Example", this);
if (stopAll)
IEnumerator Example()
while (true)
Debug.Log("Hello EditorCoroutine!");
yield return new WaitForSeconds(2f);
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